So refreshing and inspiring to read about a CEO on the early motherhood journey. As a mum of 2 very young children and a new founder I’ve really struggled to find others in a similar position. Thanks for sharing

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Thank you for sharing your experience so candidly. As someone who's lucky enough to have an incredibly supportive partner, and *still* feel apprehensive about balancing career and keeping a mini human alive, articles like these are doing wonders to my anxiety

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and strategies so generously Alice. Sleep strategies and communicating clear boundaries are both things I've implemented and tried by best to protect too. ✨

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Loved reading this Alice!

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This is exactly what I’d wanted to have read before returning to work after my year’s maternity leave. Great post & thank you for validating how I’ve felt.

I also returned in January and gosh, it’s been a shift going back to the corporate world after embracing motherhood.

On your straw-like falling out hair, I’d recommend blood tests for iron and thyroid levels, with a follow-up after any supplementation. Imbalances are massively under diagnosed as hair fall, tiredness and mood changes are often written of as being a postpartum ‘thing’.

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Absolutely love this blog. It’s a strange period of time that no one talks about. And a phase that many companies struggle to support parents through, including the NHS… The Lowdown is lucky! Looking more to hearing about the breastfeeding blog.

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"Thankfully my fiance Keiran used to be a management consultant, and has approached being a parent with the same veracity as a Deloitte transformation scheme."

Absolutely love this, and I think the way you've managed this, as well as the way you've managed as a team, is so admirable. Thanks for sharing

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